Linggo, Mayo 22, 2011

“The Scientific Revolution as the prelude of Industrial Revolution”

The Scientific Revolution was a period when new ideas in physics, astronomy, biology, human anatomy, chemistry, and other sciences led to a rejection of doctrines that had prevailed starting in Ancient Greece and continuing through the Middle Ages, and laid the foundation of modern science. According to most accounts, the scientific revolution began in Europe towards the end of the Renaissance era and continued through the late 18th century, the latter period known as The Enlightenment. It was sparked by the publication (1543) of two works that changed the course of science: Nicolaus Copernicus's De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) and Andreas Vesalius's De humani corporis fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human body).
Scientific Revolution
The scientific revolution marked a steady advance in scale and performance of technology, with little revolutionary innovations that characterized the centuries before and after. In terms of technology, the Scientific Revolution was merely a prelude to the Industrial Revolution.
The cause of this is that there was a shortage of resources that used to be sufficient in the middle ages. Therefore technology was concentrated on the search for new resources and new techniques.
There were few new breakthroughs, only improvements in the existing techniques.
Da Vinci, the epitome of the age had many inventions, ranging from a spring powered car to a primitive military tank, most of which did not make it past the design stage
Mining and metal-working boomed, leading to the creation of cast-iron.
The Blast-Furnace and Cast Iron:
In this period, the transformation in  iron  metallurgy that had  been  maturing  in Europe  since  the  fourteenth  century first  began  to  have  a decisive  effect.
Cast iron is made from pig iron, which in turn is from raw iron in the ore.
Cast iron was mostly used in weapons such as cannons.
Although cast iron was used in China centuries before, the development of cast iron in the West was wholly independent.
Blast furnaces were created to generate enough heat to create cast iron.
The use of coal became widespread, as the use of iron smelting depleted the sources of firewood.
The Scientific Revolution
a period of major scientific change
change in ideas in science in this crucial period was far greater than in politics and religion.
intellectual assumptions inherited from the previous period was overthrown and a radically new system took its place.
a new quantitative, atomic, infinitely extended and secular world-picture took place of the old qualitative, continuous, limited and religious world-picture.
change in the orientation of knowledge from being a means of reconciliation of man with the world as it is, was and will be to one of controlling nature through the knowledge of its eternal laws.
the new bourgeois class found their on new social system and evolved their own new system of ideas.
Major phases in the transformation of Science:
Scientific Revolution
1. First phase
includes the Renaissance, the great navigations and the Reformation as well as the wars which ended political freedom in Italy.
transition from feudalism to capitalism
Italian cities became politically as well as economically independent and were able to build up the brilliant artistic and intellectual civilization of the Renaissance
assertion of independence of religion on a national basis
restoration of monarchy marked an end to the temporal powers of emperor and pope.
shifts of trade routes
a period of economic expansion
a conscious movement and a revolutionary movement Catholic church itself was forced to reform

Pleasure, Art and Money
medieval forms of economy, of building, of art and thought were to canish forever and to be replaced by a new culture, capitalist in its economy, classical in its art and literature, scientific in its approach to nature.
Rapid growth of secular arts, of painting, poetry and music.
money had become much more important than it had ever before
the intellectual task of the Renaissance was essentially the rediscovery and mastery of the world of art and nature.
fading away of the scientific effort of the Middle Ages because no practical use could be found for it.
marked the first breakaway from the economy, the politics and the ideas of the feudal Middle Ages.
2. Second phase
results of the opening up of America and the East to European trade and piracy began to be felt in a price crisis which shook Europe’s economy.
age of inconclusive wars of religion in France and Germany establishment of the Dutch bourgeois Republic and the British bourgeois Commonwealth
counter reformation, with the Baroque style as its visible expression
the wars of religion that raged France and Germany and the establishment of the States General of Holland and the Commonwealth of England.
political triumph of the new bourgeoisie
3. Third phase
Great Instauration or Reconstruction
political compromise
bourgeoisie held the threads of power
rapid commercial and industrial development
establishment of stable governments made rapid growth possible

3 komento:

  1. Blog Questions: (Kindly use the following
    Describe the development of science and technology in the scientific revolution?

    The period of scientific revolution was a period of physics, biology, human anatomy, astronomy, chemistry and other sciences in which it led to rejection of doctrines in the Ancient Greece. The scientific revolution merely focused on the ideas about the universe particularly the concept of the function of earth in the solar system. The major transformation of science in the scientific revolution happened in the time of Renaissance. During at the time of Renaissance, the old medieval universities still believes in the concept of feudalism and opposed the new learning’s made in the time of scientific revolution. One of the important contributions of Renaissance was the intellectual task that they essentially rediscover the mastery of nature and arts. In the field of astronomy, Copernicus rejected the idea of Aristotle as Earth as the center cosmos in the universe and replacing the sun centered known as the “De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium”. And also in the field of human anatomy was the human body pictured by Versalius known as the “De Humani Corporis Fabrica”. Moreover, one of the contributory factor made in the time of Renaissance was the discovery of the blood circulation by William Harvey and the first technology made by Aristotle was the telescope and the used of microscope was also used at that time. So, based on these important events made in the time of Renaissance I can say that it was an outreaching idea and a comprehensive evolution of science and technology in the world as it changes little by little. Thus, through with the ideas and concepts contributed the scientific revolution was to be considered as the historical function and approach that led to fast changing of science and technology in the application of learning’s to the people day by day.

  2. What is the important function of science in the industrial revolution?

    The scientific revolution gives way to the new revolution of science and technology in the time of industrial revolution. In terms of technology, the material made in the time of scientific revolution was an important tool in the development of new resources and new techniques in the industrial revolution. The epitome of the age had many inventions ranging from a spring powered car to a primitive military tank, most of which did not make it past the design stage. Remarkable influence of scientific revolution was that mining and metal work’s boomed leading to the creation of cast iron. Because of this, it has a transformation in the iron metallurgy in which it began to have a decisive effect. The cast iron was an important tool in making cannons; in the West part the development of the cast iron was wholly independent which means to say that the production of cast iron was made with a manual labor. The coal had been used as the important tool in smelting depleted the sources of firewood. Through with these significant inventions and creations contributed at scientific revolution, the economy in the time of industrial revolution had been progressive and productive. Moreover, the development of the industrial revolution do not just focus in the agriculture or mining status but also it gives to enhance the human’s ability to work manually in which with the help of the tools and inventions, it produces a crafts towards the people that help them to learned even without formal schooling, there are individuals whom called as specialists in different fields which they prefer to.

  3. What is the major implication of social revolutions in the advancement of science and technology?
